Responding to the temporality of an exhibition, some DUMP! projects changed during the show's run from spring to fall: potatoes were grown then harvested; fungi were cultivated to decompose woodchips; feral deer were fed and filmed; seeds were collected. Four artists collaborated with AURA biologists and anthropologists. These culminated in a public workshop (below) and reading room for multispecies literature.
Click poster to view a larger image.
(Poster image: Bob Braine, Mark Dion, and Alexis Rockman 1992)
Click to download pdf of exhibition catalogue.
Text appears in English and Danish. With thanks to Ricarda Bross, Joasia Krysa, and Andreo Mielczarek.
Click to download and share widely "Make Kin Not Babies" sticker by Donna Haraway, as designed by Elaine Gan (2015).
For details about each participant, please visit the exhibition page at Kunsthal Aarhus.